Further Seems Forever / Photo Blog

May 4, 2016

Photographer, Joe Ortega caught yet another amazing nostalgic band on camera for us to see! (See last post for his photos of UnderØath) It has been fun collaborating with Joe from across the country! He’s an amazing photographer and deserves praise for his mad photo skills.

You can check out his website by clicking on the logo below.

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Further Seems Forever has been a band that has been on my radar for over a decade! Sadly I missed the show here in Los Angeles. YET, Joe snapped some wonderful shots in San Antonio, TX.

Joe wrote a little review of the show as well! Enjoy!!!

I hardly know how to start this review because Further Seems Forever is one of those bands; be it with Chris Carrabba, Jon Bunch (Rest in peace) or Jason Gleason, every record was a time stamp on some memorable moments in my life. The Moon Is Down was our first taste of Chris in his pre-Dashboard days, Light Up Ahead was notable for the third singer change but had it been their first record, I would have loved it all the same. Then there is How To Start A Fire…

I have vivid, clear and remarkable memories of this record when I was in college. The sound of the match striking once, twice and catching fire the third time and then it all starts. When I first heard of this tour, all I could think was “I cannot wait to scream with Jason on every song”, just like every time I sang along when listening to it in my truck or on my CD player. I remember telling Christie years and years ago that if I could pick one singer to listen to for the rest of my time (and there were some contenders in this conversation) then it very well could be Jason Gleason. That whole statement was predicated on the vocal performance from this record. I still stand by this. 

Most of us are now old enough to remember seeing some of favorite bands play back when we could drive hours to see the show, drive back the same night and be at work or school at 8 AM. In those days, we would have gone for just about any band, these days, we have to pick our nights out a little more meticulously.  For me Further Seems Forever makes the cut, especially with Jason being out with the band singing How To Start A Fire songs. 

The venue is not big where they played, the lighting was not particularly that great but it did not matter. For those of us that were there, all that mattered was that Jason was with FSF and they were about to perform How To Start A Fire. The show started with the last track of the record, a single guitar, just vocals. It was engaging and captivating and lead up to as much anticipation as you could imagine. Immediately after the band went right into the title track and fists went up as we all yelled “LET’S SET THIS CITY ABLAZE!” 

Just as the record goes, tempo fluctuates from a faster song, to a slower song, back to an upbeat song. Before you know it, they are telling you that it’s the last song. Somehow, in however long it took for the set to transpire, you were lost in time. Again, there was no magical light show to visually get lost in, there was only the sweat off heads in the crowd, the veins of the necks singing Pride War. These songs are not only comprised of some of the most intricate and syncopated guitars, bass and drums in this genre of music but the lyrical integrity of these songs are unforgettable. It was things dreams are made of to get the chance to hear them live again. 










I want to thank Joe for being a part of this collaboration with me! I would also like to thank you, the reader for taking time to check out the site!

Y’all are RAD!

If you would like to keep updated w/more bloggin’ you can follow me on Instagram. Click the photo below!

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Thanks again!


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