“20 Questions” with photographer, Scott Witter

May 12, 2012

Everyone these days seems to think or wish that they were a photographer, but only a few actually do it justice! Scott Witter does just that. I have personally had the honor of working with him on two of his projects and it was so much fun! He and his wife Vanessa have become friends of mine and they have this southern charm to them which I love. Scott is doing some amazing things and I know that it’s just the beginning for this talented photographer. So here we go!

“20 Questions” with Scott Witter


Name: Scott Witter

Current Location: Los Angeles

Hometown: Wallace, NC

Website(s): portfolio: www.scottwitter.com / blog: www.scottwitterblog.com


(I had the honor of being photographed by Scott on two separate projects, including ‘Dog People’ with my Zooey Beans )


1.When did you first know that you wanted to be a photographer?

When I was in college studying commercial art. We were required to take a photography class and I fell in love with it on the spot. My dorm room was decorated wall to wall with Rolling Stone magazine covers and Guess adverts. I was a little fed up with designing logos and I looked around my room and realized that THIS is what I want to do for a living. That was in 1995 and I haven’t looked back.

2.What is your favorite photo that you have taken and why?

It’s really hard to say. My work is evolving constantly and I’m always pushing myself to improve. I believe my favorite is yet to come.

3. What would be your dream job??
I’d love to photograph a person who I really admire or has impacted my life in one way or another. Any assignment that would send me abroad would be great as well.

4. Who do you admire most in the world of photography?

Top 3: Mark Seliger, Annie Leibovitz, and Richard Avadon.

5. What projects are you currently working on?

I just wrapped a shoot photographing celebrity shoe designer Bruno Frisoni for Footwear News. I’m also working on a an ongoing personal project called Cure People. It’s a collection of portraits of diehard Cure fans (the band).


6. What is the BEST part of being a photographer?

Being able to be creative while meeting new people, traveling to interesting places, and photographing fascinating subjects.

7. What is the WORST part of being a photographer?

The business and marketing side. Only about 15% of running a photography business consists of actually shooting. Maybe less.


8. What other passions do you have in life?

Music, traveling, staying active and social, and most importantly spending quality time with my wife, family, friends, and our two dogs. And did I mention music?

9. If you could photograph anything/ or anyone from history what/who would it be?

That’s a tough one. Off the top of my head: Johnny Depp, Jim Morrison, Andy Warhol, and Edie Sedgwick.

10. What advice do you have for anyone interested in making a career of photography?

First off, don’t think it’s easy. Pay your dues as a photo assistant, shoot personal work as much as possible, network, don’t neglect building business and negotiating skills, learn how to work with people, and most of all…. Have patience.



(now begin Random-ness)


11. What are your top 5 favorite bands?

All-time favs: The Smiths, The Cure, Cocteau Twins, The Clash, The Doors

12. If you were the headlines of a tabloid magazine, what would it say about you?

“Area Photographer Thought He’d Be Invited to More Cool LA Parties”

13. If there was a movie made about your life, which actor would you like to see play the part of you?

Ethan Hawke

14. What type of movie would it be? (drama, comedy…)

Probably more of a dark comedy, with a little “Raising Arizona” in there.

15. What is one thing you never leave home without?


16. If you could travel back in time where would you travel?Why?

I would travel back to the hours, or days even, before my grandmother passed away. I’d like to spend a little more time with her.

17. What is your favorite movie?

Cool Hand Luke

18. Do you have any strange talents? If so what are they? If you don’t, what talent do you wish that you had?

I wish I could skateboard as well as Tony Hawk.

19. Do you have a guilty pleasure? If so, what would it be?

Gummy Bears

20. What makes you come alive?

“Rocket Queen” by Guns n’ Roses


I’d also like to add a little something. A philosophy I like to live by:

“No one can tell you the difference between an apple and a bicycle. If I ride an apple and bite a bicycle then I’ll know the difference.”

I want to thank Scott for taking the time to be a part of this for me! YOU are awesome!! Can’t wait to see what’s next!