Today I made you a mixtape….and I decorated it with lots of stars……. (( see what I did there? Ataris fans will get it ;) ))
This next year I want to focus on making physical mixtapes again. I used to do this in the 90’s. I would destroy my entire bedroom floor with cd’s, tapes and cutouts from magazines to decorate the cases. There truly is something magical about it all. I recently figured out a way to create analog mixtapes from my digital playlist. Sure, that may not be as “cool” but I still really enjoyed putting together the tracks, timing the songs out just right and then physically recording them and writing out the playlist. Here is the first of many many MANY tapes I will be creating. I decided to make the first one a mix nostalgia feels.
it’s called ‘Just To Remember Those Days We Spent In Our Heads’ (( Saves The Day ))

You can listen via Spotify by going to my Mixtapes page HERE <3
I hope you enjoy it! Happy end of 2024! Let’s go 2025!
XO, Christie Gee