My So Called Imaginary Indie Rock Summer

June 22, 2024

If you’re like me…. a song can take you to another world, another time and even another life. It’s like when we were little and we would play make believe. A adults we lose the joy of make believe. I am fighting to get that back again. I have been listening to music and creating my own narrative for as far back as middle school. My first memory of this was riding in the back seat of my parents car listening to The Cranberries on my walkman….playing ‘Dreams’ over and over again and thinking about that boy I had a crush on. He would never know that I would listen to that song and imagine all sorts of scenarios involving us. At that time in my life it revolved around school dances, holding hands in the hall and Friday night football games. Still now, 25+ years later I still think of those visions when I hear that song. I have no idea what happened to that boy, but man….that song though!

I thought it would be fun to make little “short stories” in the form of playlists and share them on here. This has always been something I have loved to do. It’s my happy place. I hope you can find a place for yourself there too. If you are interested I would love to hear what story you see in YOUR head when you listen to these songs. Does it take you to another place or remind you of another time? The intention is to listen to the playlist in the exact order like a mixtape. A world before shuffle! I have placed each song in its specific place to tell a story. I hope you have some fun!

Kids In America – Morella’s Forrest /High Tops- Del Water Gap /Northsiders- Christian Lee Hutson / Pretty Pathetic- Smoking Popes / Karaoke- Beach Bunny / With You- Soccer Mommy / Never Been In Love-Gatlin / Lose It- SWMRS / You Are The Daybreak – Kevin Devine / We Looked Like Giants- Death Cab For Cutie / Sunburn- Diamond / Night Drive- Jimmy Eat World / Liberator- Noah Gundersen / Your Graduation- Modern Baseball / You Missed My Heart- Mark Kozelek / Wherefore Art Thou Gene Simmons- Frank Turner / Never Meant- Owen / I’ll Keep You- Robby Hecht, Caroline Spence /You’re The One I Want- Jets To Brazil

This little project is also to inspire myself to write the friggin’ story that has been in my guts for yearrrrs. If you’ve been following me for a while you mostly likely know the story of Millie I have had in my mind for such a LONG time.

XO, Christie Gee