“20 Questions” with Ethan Luck of Relient K

March 22, 2011


 I am very excited to announce the first of a new feature I am calling “20 Questions!” I will be asking 20 questions to some amazing people who are artistic, inspiring and just plain RADICAL! I have some awesome interviews lined up and I am excited to share with you! <3

I am proud to announce the first feature is the talented Ethan Luck of the band Relient K. If you love music, tattoos, vespas, animal friendly yummy food and/or photography you will think Ethan is pretty neat! So read up and leave me some feedback!

[start here] [my comments in purple]

1. How did you first get introduced to music?

– My Dad.  He has played music since he was in Jr. High so, basically from birth, I was surrounded my music.  I always would pull his records off the shelves and sit and listen to all sorts of music.  He was always playing guitar in the house and that led me to want to learn to play music.  My Dad also taught me to play guitar.

-I think that is pretty awesome. I bet your dad is so happy and proud that he could be a part of how your life turned out. :]

2. What inspires you to make music?

– All sorts of things I guess.  People, other artists, movies, situations I have been through…etc.  Music is always something that makes you feel something.  Happiness, sadness, anger, frustration…the list goes on.  I just know that whether I’m listening to music or playing it, I feel some sort of emotion.  It’s a great therapy.

– I can totally relate to this. I have always secretly wanted to write a screenplay. A story about what I have wanted to tell certain people from my past but never was able to say it myself. I am sure it would be along the lines of Juno and most likely involve some roller skating. haha

3. How many bands have you played in? And which ones?

– Quite a few.  The Dingees, The Supertones, Demon Hunter and currently, Relient K

– wow. pretty much my highschool years right there. Pretty Epic!

4. Favorite city to play in?

– It’s a tie between Tokyo, JAP & Brisbane, AUS

-I want to go to Australia one day! And let’s all continue to keep Japan in our thoughts and prayers. <3

5. What bands are your favorites to tour with?

– Sherwood, Barcelona & Switchfoot

– I saw Switchfoot and Relient K a couple years back. It was great! I remember someone playing the tune from The Office on stage. Maybe a merch guy? Whoever it was…tell him that was fantastic.

6. What are the Top 5 Albums in your life right now?

– The Clash London Calling, Metallica …And Justice For All, Rocket From The Crypt Group Sounds, Social Distortion Somewhere Between Heaven And Hell, Superdrag Head Trip In Every Key

– amazing….

7. What are the Top 5 Bands on your iPod right now?

– Adele, Rocky Votolato, House Of Heroes, Jakob Dylan, The Stills

-if you haven’t heard of www.daytrotter.com you should check it out! Some great Rocky Votolato on there!

8. What was your day job before you joined a full time band?

– Costco

-nice!!! This reminds me…I need to get a Costco card. :)

9. If you could be a member of any bands (past or present ) what dream band would you join?

– The Clash, Ramones, Elvis Costello & The Attractions, Metallica & The Living End

-The Living End! WOW! I haven’t heard them in a bit. I love how they have an upright bass.

10. Other than making music you also love photography. What do you love most about taking photos??

– I love the challenge of capturing quick, sometimes one of a kind, moments in life.  My goal in photography is for each photo to look like it could be a still from a documentary and have a great story to go with it.

– that’s a great answer. I wish I had photography skills. :]

[this is where it gets a little random/silly]

11. What cameras or even iPhone Apps do you use?

-For photography, I use a Canon 5D and a Sony Nex 5 for video.  I have some film cameras as well…Canon AE-1, Diana Mini, Holga…etc.  On my iPhone, I use Picture Show, Hipstamatic, Quad Camera, Pinhole Cam & Cross Process.

12. What was the funniest incident in your professional life?

– There are many, but this is one that stands out.  Listening to Tom Wilson (Biff Tannen) tell Back To The Future stories over lunch before we filmed The Tonight Show.

-AMAZING!!!! I bet those were some great stories!

13.  I know that you are your wife make some amazing Vegan meals. What motivated you to become vegan?

– Initially, I wanted to see how I felt.  I never had any weird food allergies or anything, I was just curious.  After a month or so, I loved the way I felt, loved learning how to be creative with cooking and did enough research to make me want to stay away from meat and dairy for good.  It’s not for everyone, but I would recommend people trying it, just to see how you feel!

– mmmmmm….I know that all your “food tweets” make me want to learn how to make all that yumminess! I have been a vegetarian for 15 years and I’m really only JUST discovering all the vegan options out there as well.

14. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

– Tofurkey products, veggies, orange juice, triple filtered water, Seitan, Tofutti cream cheese and a ton more.

15. What was the last movie you went to see?

– Paul

16. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?

– I doubt I would sign off on that.  It would tank.  No one wants to see a movie about a dude on a couch playing Words With Friends.

-Sounds like a reality show. haha. I need to start my Words With Friends back up again. I am awful at it, but it was fun.

17. If you were written about in the tabloids, on the front page, what would the headline say?

– Ethan Who?

18. Which super power would you like to have and why?

– Teleportation.  I hate flying but have to do it for music.

19. What is your favorite tattoo and why?

– It will probably be my back piece, which isn’t done yet.  For now, it would be my 2 stick figure robots, holding hands with a J & E on them. I always let Jordan from New Found Glory practice tattooing me when he’s in Nashville.  It was the first one he did on me.  We thought it would be funny.  It is.  Also a good conversation piece.  Even though its goofy, I love it because I’m able to help my friend practice his craft and get better.

– HAHA! This is great!

20. I am jealous of your Vespa collection! Can you tell us about your love for them?

– For years I wanted a Vespa.  I knew nothing about them other than I wanted something old.  I bought my first one off my friend Louis, who used to play in Plankeye.  It’s a 1979 Vespa P200.  That was almost 8 years ago and I still ride it constantly.  Over the years I have learned how to work on them, which saves a lot of money.  I made a few videos of my friend and I rebuilding mine last winter.  For the past few years I have acquired a few other things.  I have a 1981 Honda Express Moped, a 1982 Honda C70 Passport for my Wife & I helped our bass played get a 1980 Vespa Ciao…which isn’t running and in my shed right now, haha!  I’d love to have another vespa, maybe something older.  If anyone has gone riding on anything with 2 wheels, you know the feeling.  It’s hard to explain, but there’s something gratifying about riding something and having no distractions like you would in a car.  You have zero blind spots so you can enjoy where you are riding even more than in a car.  Also, I feel like there’s a good challenge since you have to constantly be paying attention to so much more than in a car.  Hopefully I will have something out on Warped Tour this year and maybe meet some other people who have a scooter out.  There’s nothing like riding in big groups…oh, and gas is really cheap!

-one word: JEALOUS

(photos taken from www.ethanluck.com)

I want to thank Ethan for taking the time to answer these questions for me, and for also helping with this very website a while back. :)

Everyone please check out Ethan’s websites:


twitter.com/ethanluck If you have a twitter account you should follow Ethan. His yummy food tweets & adventures w/ some amazing friends make this a fun guy to follow!


  • Laura March 22, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    this is awesome! love it christie. excited to do ours :)

  • Lynnwood King March 23, 2011 at 4:55 am

    Great job!!

  • joshua simpson March 24, 2011 at 5:07 pm

    I like that you are asking questions and Im excited to see who you will ask next.